Some Reflections on the Reading of Statutes Summary

Columbia Police Review, Vol. 47, Issue 4 (May 1947), pp. 527-546
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
47 Colum. L. Rev. 527 (1947)

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Yale Law Periodical, Vol. 34, Issue vii , pp. 685-758
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
34 Yale L.J. 685 (1924-1925)

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Harvard Law Review, Vol. 37, Issue 8 , pp. 1010-1058
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
37 Harv. L. Rev. 1010 (1923-1924)
Harvard Constabulary Review , Vol. 39, Outcome 8 (June 1926), pp. 917-1019
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Corcoran, Thomas G. (Cited 241 times)
39 Harv. L. Rev. 917 (1925-1926)

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Harvard Police Review, Vol. 37, Outcome 8 , pp. 1002-1009
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
37 Harv. Fifty. Rev. 1002 (1923-1924)

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Harvard Law Review , Vol. 69, Issue 2 (December 1955), pp. 217-238
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
69 Harv. L. Rev. 217 (1955-1956)

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University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law Register, Vol. 75, Upshot 7 , pp. 614-621
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
75 U. Pa. Fifty. Rev. 614 (1926-1927)

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Harvard Law Review , Vol. 78, Event 4 (Feb 1965), pp. 746-783
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
78 Harv. 50. Rev. 746 (1964-1965)

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        2. Takings Clause
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        1. Due Process
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        1. Due Process
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        2. Takings Clause

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University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 104, Issue 3 , pp. 311-317
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
104 U. Pa. L. Rev. 311 (1955-1956)

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Harvard Law Review, Vol. 29, Event 4 (February 1916), pp. 353-373
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
29 Harv. L. Rev. 353 (1915-1916)

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University of Pennsylvania Constabulary Review, Vol. 105, Issue half-dozen , pp. 781-796
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
105 U. Pa. L. Rev. 781 (1956-1957)

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Harvard Police force Review , Vol. 44, Issue ane (November 1930), pp. ane-40
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Landis, James Thou. (Cited 1549 times)
44 Harv. L. Rev. ane (1930-1931)

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Virginia Law Review, Vol. 39, Consequence 7 , pp. 883-906
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
39 Va. L. Rev. 883 (1953)
Harvard Constabulary Review , Vol. 41, Issue 2 (December 1927), pp. 121-173
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
41 Harv. L. Rev. 121 (1927-1928)
Harvard Law Review , Vol. 42, Issue 1 (Nov 1928), pp. i-29
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Landis, James M. (Cited 1549 times)
42 Harv. Fifty. Rev. one (1928-1929)

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Columbia Law Review, Vol. 31, Event 3 (March 1931), pp. 385-415
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Greene, Nathan (Cited 161 times)
31 Colum. 50. Rev. 385 (1931)

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Harvard Law Review, Vol. 29, Event half-dozen (April 1916), pp. 683-702
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
29 Harv. L. Rev. 683 (1915-1916)

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  1. Humanities
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Harvard Law Review, Vol. 36, Event 8 , pp. 909-939
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
36 Harv. 50. Rev. 909 (1922-1923)
Harvard Law Review , Vol. 44, Issue 5 (March 1931), pp. 717-827
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
44 Harv. L. Rev. 717 (1930-1931)

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Harvard Law Review, Vol. 45, Issue 1 (Nov 1931), pp. 33-111
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
45 Harv. L. Rev. 33 (November 1931)

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University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law Register, Vol. 79, Issue 8 , pp. 1097-1100
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
79 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1097 (1930-1931)

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Harvard Law Review, Vol. 45, Issue two (December 1931), pp. 271-306
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Landis, James Chiliad. (Cited 1549 times)
45 Harv. 50. Rev. 271 (December 1931)

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Harvard Constabulary Review, Vol. 47, Issue 2 (Dec 1933), pp. 245-297
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Hart, Henry M. Jr. (Cited 2436 times)
47 Harv. L. Rev. 245 (1933-1934)

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Harvard Police Review, Vol. 63, Issue ane (November 1949), pp. one-4
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
63 Harv. L. Rev. 1 (1949-1950)
Harvard Law Review, Vol. 46, Effect ii (December 1932), pp. 226-260
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Landis, James M. (Cited 1549 times)
46 Harv. 50. Rev. 226 (1932-1933)
Harvard Law Review , Vol. 40, Issue 6 (Apr 1927), pp. 834-877
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Landis, James Yard. (Cited 1549 times)
40 Harv. L. Rev. 834 (1926-1927)

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Harvard Law Review , Vol. 42, Issue 6 (Apr 1929), pp. 766-799
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Greene, Nathan (Cited 161 times)
42 Harv. L. Rev. 766 (1928-1929)

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Harvard Law Review , Vol. 39, Issue ane (Nov 1925), pp. 35-81
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
39 Harv. 50. Rev. 35 (1925-1926)

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Harvard Law Review , Vol. 60, Issue 3 (February 1947), pp. 325-329
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
threescore Harv. L. Rev. 325 (February 1947)

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American Bar Association Journal, Vol. 24, Issue 4 (April 1938), pp. 282-286
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
24 A.B.A. J. 282 (1938)

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Harvard Police force Review, Vol. 75, Issue 1 (November 1961), pp. one-iv
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
75 Harv. 50. Rev. 1 (1961-1962)
American Bar Association Journal, Vol. 34, Issue viii (Baronial 1948), pp. 656-659
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
34 A.B.A. J. 656 (1948)

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Police Quarterly Review, Vol. 44, Issue 2 (Apr 1928), pp. 164-197
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Greene, Nathan (Cited 161 times)
44 Fifty. Q. Rev. 164 (1928)

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Harvard Law Review, Vol. 68, Effect 6 (Apr 1955), pp. 937-939
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
68 Harv. 50. Rev. 937 (1954-1955)

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Harvard Law Review, Vol. 49, Issue 8 (June 1936), pp. 1286-1302
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
49 Harv. L. Rev. 1286 (June 1936)

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Harvard Law Review , Vol. 39, Result 5 (March 1926), pp. 587-627
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
39 Harv. Fifty. Rev. 587 (1925-1926)

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Yale Law Journal, Vol. 38, Issue 7 (May 1929), pp. 879-935
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Greene, Nathan (Cited 161 times)
38 Yale Fifty. J. 879 (1928-1929)

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Symposium on Administrative Law Based upon Legal Writings 1931-33
Iowa Law Review, Vol. xviii, Issue ii (January 1933), pp. 129-132
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
xviii Iowa L. Rev. 129 (1932-1933)

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Columbia Police Review , Vol. 39, Issue 1 (January 1939), pp. 88-118
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
39 Colum. L. Rev. 88 (1939)

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Harvard Law Review, Vol. 52, Issue 3 (Jan 1939), pp. 440-470
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
52 Harv. 50. Rev. 440 (January 1939)

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Iowa Law Review, Vol. 15, Issue 2 (February 1930), pp. 129-140
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
15 Iowa L. Rev. 129 (1929-1930)
Harvard Law Review, Vol. 38, Issue viii , pp. 1005-1059
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Landis, James M. (Cited 1549 times)
38 Harv. L. Rev. 1005 (1924-1925)

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Harvard Law Review , Vol. 40, Effect 3 (January 1927), pp. 431-468
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Landis, James Thousand. (Cited 1549 times)
40 Harv. L. Rev. 431 (1926-1927)

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Harvard Law Review , Vol. xl, Issue viii (June 1927), pp. 1110-1129
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Landis, James 1000. (Cited 1549 times)
40 Harv. 50. Rev. 1110 (1926-1927)

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American Bar Association Journal, Vol. 44, Event 8 (August 1958), pp. 723-804
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
44 A.B.A. J. 723 (1958)

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Harvard Police Review , Vol. 39, Issue 3 (January 1926), pp. 325-367
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39 Harv. L. Rev. 325 (1925-1926)

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Harvard Law Review , Vol. 48, Issue eight (June 1935), pp. 1279-1280
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
48 Harv. L. Rev. 1279 (1934-1935)
Harvard Constabulary Review , Vol. 39, Event 8 (June 1926), pp. 1046-1075
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
39 Harv. L. Rev. 1046 (1925-1926)
Federal Bar Journal, Vol. 18, Upshot i (January-March 1958), pp. 24-33
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
18 Fed. B.J. 24 (1958)
American Bar Association Periodical, Vol. 1, Upshot 4 , pp. 532-540
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
one A.B.A. J. 532 (1915)

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Police force Quarterly Review , Vol. 45, Result 1 (January 1929), pp. nineteen-59
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Greene, Nathan (Cited 161 times)
45 50. Q. Rev. 19 (1929)

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Northwestern University Police force Review , Vol. 58, Issue four , pp. 443-444
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
58 Nw. U. L. Rev. 443 (1963-1964)
University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. 24, Result 4 (Summer 1957), pp. 625-625
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
24 U. Chi. L. Rev. 625 (1956-1957)
Harvard Police Review, Vol. 76, Issue 7 (May 1963), pp. 1321-1323
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
76 Harv. 50. Rev. 1321 (1962-1963)

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Cornell Law Quarterly, Vol. 13, Event 4 , pp. 499-530
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
xiii Cornell L. Q. 499 (1927-1928)

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Police Quarterly Review, Vol. 44, Issue iii (July 1928), pp. 353-380
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44 L. Q. Rev. 353 (1928)

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Harvard Law Review, Vol. 74, Outcome three (Jan 1961), pp. 433-447
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74 Harv. Fifty. Rev. 433 (1960-1961)
Northwestern Academy Constabulary Review , Vol. 51, Event ii , pp. 163-164
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
51 Nw. U. L. Rev. 163 (1956-1957)

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Harvard Law Review , Vol. 69, Outcome 5 (March 1956), pp. 797-799
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69 Harv. L. Rev. 797 (1955-1956)

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Harvard Law Review, Vol. 72, Issue vii (May 1959), pp. 1201-1203
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72 Harv. L. Rev. 1201 (1958-1959)
From the Bag
Green Bag. An Entertaining Journal of Law. (Second Serial), Vol. 5, Issue 4 (Summer 2002), pp. 438-440
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5 Greenish Bag 2d 438 (2001-2002)

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American Bar Association Periodical, Vol. 24, Issue 8 (August 1938), pp. 638-639
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
24 A.B.A. J. 638 (1938)
Supreme Court Review, Vol. 1963, pp. 206-210
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times); Nathanson, Nathaniel L. (Cited 869 times)
1963 Sup. Ct. Rev. 206 (1963)

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Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 14, Effect three (June 1961), pp. 706-708
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fourteen Vand. 50. Rev. 706 (1960-1961)

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Foreign Affairs, Vol. 9, Issue 3 (April 1931), pp. 409-434
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9 Foreign Aff. 409 (1930-1931)

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, Vol. 21, Result 2 (Winter 2018), pp. 155-160
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21 Green Bag 2nd 155 (2017)

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Harvard Law Review , Vol. 48, Issue 2 (December 1934), pp. 260-281
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48 Harv. L. Rev. 260 (1934-1935)

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A National Policy for Enforcement of Prohibition
Cornell Law Quarterly , Vol. 43, Outcome 2 , pp. 161-162
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43 Cornell L. Q. 161 (1957-1958)

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Journal of the Order of Public Teachers of Constabulary (New Serial), Vol. i, Effect v (1950), pp. 363-368
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1 J. Soc'y Pub. Tchrs. L. n.s. 363 (1947-1951)

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Harvard Police Review, Vol. 45, Issue 8 (June 1932), pp. 1433-1435
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45 Harv. 50. Rev. 1433 (June 1932)

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Harvard Law Review , Vol. 43, Issue i (November 1929), pp. 56-62
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43 Harv. L. Rev. 56 (1929-1930)

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Journal of In-Chambers Do: Rapp's Reports
Journal of Law, Vol. half dozen, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 309-310
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6 J. L. 309 (2016)

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Journal of In-Chambers Do: Rapp'southward Reports
Periodical of Law, Vol. half dozen, Event 2 (2016), pp. 311-316
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
6 J. L. 311 (2016)
American Labor Legislation Review, Vol. 23, pp. 169-169
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
23 Am. Lab. Legis. Rev. 169 (1933)
Journal of the Patent Office Society, Vol. 9, Issue ane (September 1926), pp. eight-18
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
nine J. Pat. Off. Soc'y 8 (1926-1927)

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American Law Review, Vol. 58, Result half-dozen (November-Dec 1924), pp. 818-855
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58 Am. Fifty. Rev. 818 (1924)
Yearbook: Supreme Court Historical Society, Vol. 1980, pp. iii-ix
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
1980 Y.B. three (1980)
University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Review, Vol. 37, Effect 1 (Fall 2014), pp. 105-132
Frankfurter, Felix (Cited 4700 times)
37 UALR L. Rev. 105 (2014-2015)


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