Do You Have to Take Drug Test Again

You may be asked to take a drug exam for many reasons. Sometimes employers require pre-employment drug tests equally role of hiring practices. Certain workplaces may conduct random drug testing, specially if you work with machinery, vehicles, trains, planes, or patients. Drug tests are also common for teachers, federal employees, and as part of probation for crimes. If you're involved in a automobile accident or are pulled over for suspicious driving or breaking traffic laws, you may exist required to take a drug or alcohol test. Learn most the different types of drug tests and what happens if yous don't pass.

Pre-Employment Drug Tests

Pre-employment drug tests are mutual in many workplaces. These drug screening tests are given to potential employees as part of pre-employment screening requirements. Some fields require mandatory drug tests or drug testing to a greater degree than others. For instance, industries that are regulated by the Department of Transportation are subject field to federal and state drug-testing rules, which can be much more strict than jobs in the private sector.

Before you begin your new job, yous'll sign and date a copy of a document that provides legal proof that you've read the terms of pre-employment drug testing, as well as the company'due south policies for creating a drug-gratis workplace. The document volition exist placed in your personnel file.

What Happens If I Fail a Pre-Employment Drug Test?

In most cases, if y'all fail a pre-employment drug test, you lot volition no longer be eligible for the job. Companies who require pre-employment drug tests must clearly state that the offer of employment is contingent upon a new hire passing a drug screening exam. This volition usually exist stated in:

  • The task posting
  • Offering messages
  • Other official documents

This gives your potential employer the right to not hire you if you lot neglect their drug test. Some employers may require you to submit a pre-employment drug test and agree to random drug screening during employment if they suspect that you're using substances on the job or your off-the-job use is impacting your work and the safety of others. At that place'due south typically a clamper of time betwixt a chore offer and a pre-employment drug test. If y'all're unable to stop using drugs and alcohol for that period of time, information technology'due south probably time to have a closer wait at your substance use and whether treatment could help.

Reasonable Suspicion Drug Tests

Reasonable suspicion drug tests are also chosen "for-cause" or "likely-cause" drug testing. Your employer may give you a reasonable suspicion drug test if you're:

  • Behaving in an unnatural and uncharacteristic way
  • Interim violent or erratic toward coworkers and management
  • Showing concrete signs of substance corruption that are directly affecting job performance

You should exist notified when you accept employment that you may exist discipline to workplace drug testing.

What Happens If I Neglect a Reasonable Suspicion Drug Test?

Information technology is the responsibility of your employer to create a written policy for enforcing and maintaining a "drug-costless workplace," which provides both them and you (the employee) with legal protection. If you lot fail a reasonable suspicion drug exam, what happens next is upward to your employer. Their drug policy should be clearly written in an employee handbook or other official documentation, then you know what to expect. Some employers take a no-tolerance policy when it comes to substances. Others volition permit you remain conditionally employed if yous receive treatment and laissez passer hereafter drug screening tests.

If yous're drinking or using drugs on the job or your substance use is to the point that it's impacting your piece of work performance, it'due south an indicator that y'all may accept an habit and need professional person help.

Field Sobriety Tests

A law officer will give yous a field sobriety examination if they doubtable y'all're driving boozer or using alcohol while breaking the constabulary. If you fail a field sobriety examination, law tin use this as evidence for a DUI. Police give field sobriety tests to evaluate your:

  • Balance
  • Coordination
  • Ability to carve up your attending among tasks

They'll enquire yous to maintain a horizontal gaze and:

  • Smoothly follow an object with your eyes.
  • Walk heel-to-toe in a straight line.
  • Turn on one foot and repeat the process.
  • Stand on one leg for 30 seconds without hopping, putting your foot down, or otherwise struggling.

All these tasks have been proven to show legal intoxication in drivers by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. They are admissible equally bear witness of drunk driving in court.

A police officer may also give yous a breathalyzer test to appraise your blood-alcohol content. This determines the level of charges confronting y'all for boozer driving. You have the right to refuse field sobriety tests, only this comes with its ain consequences, which may include jail time, arrests, and fines depending what state you alive in.

What Happens If I Fail a Field Sobriety Test?

If y'all fail a field sobriety exam and the police accept probable cause that you're driving nether the influence, they tin can abort you. Spending the night in jail is a distinct possibility. Drunk-driving charges range from misdemeanors to felony offenses. Depending on your situation and the state, y'all may:

  • Do jail time.
  • Lose your license for a period of fourth dimension.
  • Pay fines.
  • Be required to nourish substance corruption instruction or addiction counseling.

Misdemeanors and felonies get on your record and may testify upward in pre-employment background screenings. As well simply the legal trouble, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs is a serious indicator that you take a trouble with substance corruption.

Court-Ordered Drug Tests

Court-ordered drug tests are required when you lot're legally mandated to stay sober. Court-ordered drug tests may be ordered:

  • In probation cases
  • In custody cases
  • Post-obit a DUI or other criminal action involving substances
  • During incarceration

When a courtroom orders you to undergo random drug testing, they'll unremarkably give yous a choice of drug-testing programs to choose from based on location and accessibility. The court will make up one's mind the frequency and the length of time you must undergo testing.

Failing to testify upwardly for a courtroom-ordered drug exam could have serious consequences, such as loss of probation and a harsher sentence. Court-ordered drug tests are typically random, so you don't have time to rid your body of drugs.

How Do Random Drug Tests Work?

In a random drug-testing program, you'll be assigned to a group. On the twenty-four hour period of testing, the center will announce which groups need to report for testing. If your group is up for testing, you lot'll need to go in. To detect out if you're up for testing, you will call the eye first thing in the morning, every morning. Some centers also have websites or text and email alerts to let a person know if they need to come in for a drug test that day. Testing centers arrange their schedules in such a way that people can never anticipate when their testing group will be called.

What If I Fail a Court-Ordered Drug Test?

What happens when y'all fail a court-ordered drug test depends on your situation, state, and if it'southward a commencement or repeated occurrence. If you're on probation, you lot may go a warning, be required to announced in court, or have your probation revoked. In custody cases, declining a court-ordered drug examination tin can complicate matters with visiting or custody rights.

If you're jeopardizing your freedom, livelihood, or family by using drugs or alcohol or y'all've been ordered by the court to receive regular testing, information technology's time to seek help.

Types of Drug Testing

At that place are several unlike types of drug testing. How long drugs tin can be detected in your body depends on:

  • Type of drug test
  • What drug you lot used
  • Quantity of drug taken
  • Elapsing of drug abuse
  • Your metabolism

Blood Drug Test

A blood drug test is one way of testing for illegal drugs. The test measures the amount of alcohol or drugs in your blood at the time of the test. Examples of the kinds of drugs that are detected in a blood drug test include:

  • Opioids
  • Alcohol
  • Nicotine
  • Marijuana
  • Methamphetamines
  • Cocaine

Breathalyzer Test

Breathalyzer tests are taken with breath alcohol testing devices. "Breathalyzer" refers to the blazon of device that has get synonymous with this form of testing. These instruments measure the presence and content of alcohol in your blood. Jiff alcohol tests can only determine alcohol levels at the time the test is given. They cannot determine past alcohol employ.

Oral Drug Test

A mouth swab exam is also known equally an "oral fluids test" or a "saliva exam." These collect saliva from the within of your mouth.

Hair Drug Test

A hair test, also known as "hair follicle drug testing," can show drug utilize within the past xc days. Information technology does not testify booze use, but it can make up one's mind the apply of:

  • Certain hallucinogens
  • Methamphetamines
  • Opioids
  • Cocaine
  • Marijuana

The collector will remove 100 to 150 strands of pilus shut to your scalp. Washing, dying, or styling your hair with consumer products will not affect the accurateness of the tests.

Urine Drug Examination

A urinalysis will show the residual presence of drugs and alcohol, even later on their furnishings have worn off. Urine tests use cutoff levels, where the result will only be positive if the traces of a drug are higher up a certain level. Urine tests tin occasionally return false-positive drug test results. Eating certain foods that contain the chemical compounds used in prescription or illicit drugs can cause a person to fail a drug examination. Eating poppy seeds, for example, can technically throw up a red flag for suspected opioid use.

Is It Time to Become Assist?

Failing drug tests or being ordered to have them may mean that substances are calling the shots in your life, not you. With the right treatment, yous can accept back the reins and learn healthier and more fulfilling means of living. Call us today for a costless, confidential phone consultation about how you tin go your life back on runway.


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